Bernd 07/05/2024 (Fri) 12:47 No.52156 del
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UK held legislative election yesterday. And I'm shitting meself. Here's the three major party blocks' results:
Party | 2019 votes 2024 | 2019 seats 2024
Con. | 43.6% -> 23.7% | 365 -> 121
Labour | 32.1% -> 33.7% | 202 -> 412
Lib. | 11.6% -> 12.2% | 11 -> 76

So the Labour with 1.6% and the Liberals with 0.6% growth could pocket 270 seats more.
So their support among the population barely grown (especially for the liberals), simply the voters lost confidence in Sunak and the Tories. Especially that Sunak was just put there noone voted on him on the first place. But he had to take over the PM position because all his predecessors failed spectacularly.

I tried to look up the key issues where the candidates could represent differing opinions.
Reuters here:
lists: cost of living, healthcare, housing, immigration, sense of decline, and climate. No Ukraine or Israel, you know, Bernd, topics that really divides opinions.
Some of the outliers like Farage and others talked stuff like:
>Russia just reacted to NATO encroachment with the Ukraine war
>the army should sink the boats of migrants

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