Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 16:29 No.6094 del
Following the hearing, the Broadsides Cable TV Program sends an envoy to Tribune columnist GEORGE LAZARUS informing him what is happening in Court as to The Coca-Cola Company, Mary Hanley, and DDB advertising. He expresses an interest that he is going to follow up the matter for his column. [Or, are his bosses at the Tribune intending to over-rule him and pursue their reported blackmailing of DDB, Judge Manning, Coca-Cola, and others, to shake-down more ad bucks for The Tribune Company?]

In a Court order dated 8/29/00, Judge Manning issues a nine-page ruling with more of her falsified facts and "judicial perjuries", contending she finds that she has NOT committed a fraud upon her own Court. [An obvious ruling by someone sitting as a Judge in their own case.] As to some of the prior rulings, Ivy files a Notice of Appeal on August 31,2000.

Among the issues involved in the case against Coca-Cola That the Coca-Cola Company allowed their copyright to lapse and it is now owned by Kolody as shown by documents of the U.S. Copyright office. That Coca-Cola has in respect to this litigation committed a fraud by not reporting it to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that regulates listed stock such as that of Coke.

Several weeks in the works was a story published in the much-watched Tempo Section of the Chicago Tribune, usually published on a Thursday. Published on Thursday, September 7, 2000, was a lengthy Tempo story about various other soda pop companies.

In quoting a seller of a flavored foreign pop called Tarhun,

"People believe Tarhun is good for you and Coke is bad for you".

Then further quoting the seller,

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