Anon 04/07/2023 (Fri) 03:12 No.8784 del
I’ve cried every day since el imagebro died bros.
Everyday that I come on here I’m reminded of it and it hurts so much, I miss him so fucking much bros.
Why did he have to leave us? Why couldn’t he just wear a mask and wash his hands? why couldn't he just stop using pajeets groups?

I actually had a dream last night where I was in this place that looked like the garden of eden when suddenly, some 4’1” prieto wearing a tinfoil hat floated towards me, and it was el imagebro.
We bantzed, talked about telegram, and shared fond memories from /Ligma/.
I wished I hadn’t woken up bros, but at least I know he’s lurking our group from up above :)

Pic related it's an image of /ourguy/ at his work, RIP en paz imagechud