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Anonymous 08/20/2020 (Thu) 09:04:35 [Preview] No. 273
Instead of being a nigger that creates huge list of imageboards that has no benefit but spam this will include a short description of boards available and activity for my reference. Only english imageboards.
tl;dr - Go bareback at 4chan, kohlchan, wizchan or other small imageboards that don't want tor if you want activity.

>stop feeding newfags
>tor is for pedos
>muh sekrit club
>these imageboards are too slow
>true anonymity my ass

Don't click on links to illegal brothels or other suspicious websites in some of these.

.onion with clearnet imageboards
8kun - http://www.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/ - Mid Activity
Fucked up remnants of 8chan with backdoor to DoD. Active /pol/ and qboomer boards but rest are dead.
9chan.tw - http://ninechnjd5aaxfbcsszlbr4inp7qjsficep4hiffh4jbzovpt2ok3cad.onion/ - Low Activity
Created by Joshua Moon, ex-8chan developer who ragequit and now run by endchan team. Used to have active /pol/ and /b/ now ruined by pedo circlejerks.
8chan.moe - http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/ - Mid Activity
Run by Acidman and Mark, ex-BOs of 8/v/. Active /v/, /co/, /abdl/ and hentai boards but rest are dead or slow. Has /monarchy/, /liberty/, /pol/ and /b/ but they're slow.
Endchan - http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/ - Mid Activity
Where imageboards go to die and become bunkers. Should I bother with description?
16chan.xyz - http://47s7obvdgdpj6fkc.onion/ - Mid Activity - Altchan Federation
Looks like bunker for people who got banned from 4chan /pol/ or /b/. Has active /ausneets/.
anon.cafe - http://tew7tfz7dvv4tsom45z2wseql7kwfxnc77btftzssaskdw22oa5ckbqd.onion/ - Webring - Mid Activity
No description because this is probably the best place left so you should check it yourself. They're all hobby boards except /fascist/.
Smuglo.li - http://bhm5koavobq353j54qichcvzr6uhtri6x4bjjy4xkybgvxkzuslzcqid.onion/ - Webring - Mid Activity
Anime and related boards. Would rather avoid because anime causes autogynephilia.
AlogSpace - http://bhlnasxdkbaoxf4gtpbhavref7l2j3bwooes77hqcacxztkindztzrad.onion/ - Webring - Mid Activity
Julay World. Active /cow/ for e-celeb drama and faggotry related to imageboard BOs. Has hobby boards like star wars, /robowaifu/, /retro/ and /film/ but they're slow.


Anonymous 08/20/2020 (Thu) 09:05:12 [Preview] No.274 del
(20.27 KB 600x600 88e.jpg)
Balkan Chan - http://26yukmkrhmhfg6alc56oexe7bcrokv4rilwpfwgh2u6bsbkddu55h4ad.onion/ - Mid Activity
Home of Stephen Lynx to ask lynxchan related questions but has active /r9k/ for some reason.
tinyib.net - http://tinyib3eidonezb5loyenqdio63xopxlafify43o3iknh4emuuad5hqd.onion/ - Low Activity
Poorly moderated /b/.
antares.chan - http://l2sv2h6eoxdu6y6s.onion/ - Low Activity
Has /v/ and /misc/ but it's dead because of some oss nonsense.

BChan - http://bchan46hwn7fxf67hav7khj3ca7v4avg7yhieahqyocgnaolazgi6tqd.onion/
Has demo guide based on lynxchan if you want to create another dead imageboard.
nttpchan - http://z7neko7rjbzqkkktrqvxn5h26ao32kcftijdbitdfzknfgolngabguyd.onion/
Looks dead because of some nttp nonsense.
PaperChan - http://a6pyumhy5pn5louoiqevddncjjqjsr6jefskzyta6ib3jl6mammtzcid.onion/
Looks dead because of some oss nonsense.
VIPboard - http://vipbrd6cvyp6ysjk7cve6dxplaiunbbmevy7iww275b55urwqlitukqd.onion/
Looks dead because of some dns nonsense.
TBP Chan - https://24r6p7yo6v2duju3.onion/ - Low Activity
Looks dead and poorly moderated.
Trashchan - http://trashch5druvtprkwboh23t4fxxexdbh4zwbl2rxshpda6yq2cutmsyd.onion/
Dead link.
Sminem - http://sminemxulmdmqr2miwxoitxor2lkgytsduhi7a362oudjxme3u5tp3id.onion/
Dead link.


Anonymous 08/20/2020 (Thu) 09:10:44 [Preview] No.275 del
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.onion only imageboards
nanochan - http://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/ - Mid Activity
Hapas and active /g/. On coma as of now for reasons.
NeinChan - http://vvadkyuldkwon6za.onion/ - Mid Activity
Active /pol/.
ni-chan - http://plnemlsyla6h5t3nuoz2algzmy635ceuendnjwsmhwn2os5fxahshiad.onion/ - Low Activity
Poorly moderated /b/.

nanon's club - http://atrhmmi57c43utdtr6ye5lc5w3uedjqvahst5t76233za6ehyq2gy4ad.onion/ - Low Activity
Nanochan bunker made by infsan admin related to Chantopia/Patch discord drama.
Infinity-San - http://infsan7uxvnwirohy55qei3hgnbkw6nqi2q4tb7xxcgoiafvmqhicjyd.onion/
Looks dead and poorly moderated.
Glowchan - http://6oddffr7nmliu4hpaxb42gquo6ewvkxk7gecdtf2hsotwangbpwzz5ad.onion/
Torchan - http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/
Don't care enough to give description.
nagadashi chan - http://sexualjthwu5pbofyjtw2fo4ktz6ob5qq5crnqqbqlqrkc6osreouqid.onion/all/
Dead link.

Doesn't list boards that are pedo cancer.

Read about 8chan/8kun here - http://bhlnasxdkbaoxf4gtpbhavref7l2j3bwooes77hqcacxztkindztzrad.onion/cow/res/13388.html
Read about Altchan Federation here - http://bhlnasxdkbaoxf4gtpbhavref7l2j3bwooes77hqcacxztkindztzrad.onion/cow/res/7486.html

References: - https://imageboards.net/


Anonymous 08/25/2020 (Tue) 20:17:50 [Preview] No.358 del
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Anonymous 11/15/2020 (Sun) 00:50:57 [Preview] No.392 del
Could anyone tell me which of these onion boards is least likely to be full of illegal images?

I used to love exploring TOR and some of the other darknets but never go there anymore because it's so dangerous.

123 01/18/2021 (Mon) 17:05:44 [Preview] No.496 del

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