03/10/2023 (Fri) 11:17
Id: 6c613b
Dear Moderator,
I am Jon Fox, one of the main news posters here and on /pol/. I am contacting you about an 8kun Spammer named KILLCEN.
Killcen (kill censorship) continually spams 8kun with his incessant cookie-cutter copied & pasted Infowars shilling, and intentionally shits up every board with his nonstop Spam garbage.
Killcen is an Unmedicated Clinically Diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic who lives in Missouri, in his son-in-law's double-wide trailer. He is convinced that he is a reincarnated Biblical Figure who is somehow "saving the world" by incessantly copying & pasting the same monotonous rhetorical mundane cookie cutter conspiracy theories from Debunked Fake Conspiracy News websites all day every day.
He considers himself to be an "Expert Prepper", yet he wasn't intelligent enough to prepare for his own financial hardship caused by drinking away his meager life savings. (he dropped out of the 10th grade back in 1966, ruined his chances for a lucrative career, settled for low-paying menial labor, but his uncontrolled alcoholism resulted in him running out of money at age 70 and quite literally BEGGING his daughter to let him sleep on her sofa while he methodically destroys her marriage)
doesn't sound like much of a "preparedness expert" to me, how about you?
Killcen has openly admitted "touching" his 6 year old daughter after his wife committed suicide.
He is so severely and profoundly psychotic, that he claims to be a "reincarnated jesus", while simultaneously claiming he hears the whispering voices of an alleged "demon" in his head.
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