03/30/2023 (Thu) 16:27
Id: 54233a
>>20444It turns out the more recent /news/ posters might have all left because they were hate spam buddies with Johnny jew. Or they might have all been Johnny.
>>>19843>killcen" likes to create a facade of intrigue, which includes a couple of role play characters he created.. he will use different IP addresses to make it appear as if arguments with a couple of fictitious characters he portrays.>one of them is called "Jim Watkins" and the other character is called "Johnny Neptune". Don't be surprised when you see "killcen" disrupting your board with his famous "roleplay arguments & conflicts", and keep in mind it's just "killcen" samefagging.Maybe that played out just as predicted or it's possible the spam was an elaborate ruse against this Jerry person. You can't trust troll culture any more than jews. They get off on lies.
This is now a Roll Call. Besides based Spain anon above, reply here if anyone's still around after all that bullshit. Complete silence will mean there was one troll toying with the board. I will begin deleting threads next week if there's no response. You have nothing to fear. I don't ban unless your habit is shitting in someone else's house. It's simple. This is my house. Don't decide to take a huge dump everywhere.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/30/2023 (Thu) 22:52.