Reader 12/23/2023 (Sat) 06:08 Id: 58b806 No.21880 del
My point was it's not just Leftists. Soon, the majority of people will see the value and undeniable logic of 'anti semitism' (Because Palestinians are Semites yet Israelis are killing them). You can thank Israel for the growing hatred of jews. When the day comes, no KIKE will be able to hide among the populace this time. The greatest man who ever lived left us a gift. The gift of revealing any jew no matter how much they try to conceal what they are. Did you think after being exiled from nations over 200 times that it would stop? No. The blueprint left from Psychological Warfare Division gave us a goal and the method of implementing that very important goal. The rest of our Gentile people used to suffer a general malaise during the 2010s. What a miserable time that was. We didn't know how to break them free! How to connect them against our parasitic enemy. But now we're gearing up for the 2030s to be a repeat of the 1930s. I used to hate Israel, to be quite honest. I kept collecting the images of dead and mutilated Palestinian babies, seething with disgust. Now though? Israel is accomplishing everything we set out to do. Your own people. I might actually get to participate in the near future pogrom of kikes. It just brings a sense of contentment throughout my whole body. What a time to be alive!