Reader 01/11/2024 (Thu) 00:31 Id: 47022b No.21909 del
With the U.S. southern border being intentionally left insecure by our traitor President, who gained office through election fraud, literally MILLIONS of illegal aliens have entered the USA and continue to enter every day.

Many a mention has been made by a large number of people that the majority of these illegal aliens are "Men of military age" and that it seems to some people that our government is allowing these people in to be used as an army against Americans.

None of us really know if that's the actual fact, but it would be wise to wonder and to properly plan.

If these millions of illegals are, in fact, an army, we may have to defend our land by slaughtering them if they take up arms against Americans.

You need to get yourself mentally prepared to engage in battle and to prepare if you have to engage in lethal fighting.