Reader 01/20/2024 (Sat) 18:56 Id: 15c950 No.21949 del
(267.67 KB 1716x945 234543.jpg)
(233.39 KB 576x1289 Tor (2).jpg)
(185.81 KB 968x871 Tor jews.jpg)
(158.81 KB 340x578 laughing onion.jpg)
>funds stolen
There's a reason why Onion links are filtered to that specific change. Not only to prevent you getting banned because of Global Rule 1, but because it's true. Tor is funded by US gov and jews If my broke ass was all about breaking the law, I would either A) Not be broke anymore if I believed Hollywood jewish bullshit about a glamorous mafia lifestyle or most likely B) End up in prison alongside 300lbs Jamal who's eager to do all the interracial gay rape the gay nigger spammers have shilled for the past six years. Then I have to kill a man. Then I'm a lifer.

Not worth it.