01/22/2024 (Mon) 12:09
Id: 6bb48f
>>21958/news/ is 40% unlike /pol/, because there aren't enough Jews larping as black men, bot farms, racebait, or "grr I hate niggers" threads. That being said, for the most part I have no real reason to pop my head out from my basement, and it is I suppose because of lurkers like me that the site remains a newsboard and is not a believable replacement for human interaction or meaningless entertainment (oh noo).
I would post more often if the mods were intelligent enough to allow posts from TOR without images, but the only possible competitor (neinchan) is fucking dead.
The Jews will continue to be exposed in my personal life as I teach others how to become powerful enough to resist, and I can learn from people here more intelligent than myself about the real world and it's workings.