Reader 02/01/2024 (Thu) 06:00 Id: 247310 No.22034 del
(43.50 KB 324x469 Handsome Portrait.jpg)
(77.18 KB 680x838 GigaCreator.jpg)
I'm Latino, so I'm guessing Sephardi (Latin Americans did in fact come from the Iberian Peninsula). I had been suspecting for awhile that I had (((J-wish))) blood for awhile because my family's European Latinos, and apparently the pale Latinos (that were rich or owned slaves, both of which was true of one of my ancestors) tended to be... Well (((them))) in disguise, unfortunately. But I have no allegiance to warmongers and parasites, even if I'm related to them. I know that everything ((("trusted historians"))) said about Hitler was wrong, because evil men always smear good men.

>The US is already starting WWIII and Israel has openly announced to their citizens to prepare for war and massive blackouts. Iran is about to be attacked. BTW Iran does have some sophisticated Russian weaponry, so they can and likely will retaliate and then it is world war and global economic collapse... If you are smart you already got prepared for this years ago and have a decent shelter to bug out or bug into.
Thanks for the warning, fren. I'm hoping where I live will be able to self-sustain, most people are conservative and at least _some_ people I know (other than my family) are Jew-aware.
> Get right with God and lay low.
Based. God bless my brothers.