Reader 02/06/2024 (Tue) 14:24 Id: 850c85 No.22062 del
We would need to have a debt default and then drastically cut back governmental and military spending. Many institutions, corporations and banks would have to file bankruptcy due to systemic insolvency which could bog down the bankruptcy courts for many years. Perhaps, in many cases, complete debt jubilee when necessary to mitigate the amount of civilian riots/murder/suicides that would take place if enough people were to risk losing everything. Could you imagine 100,000,000+ angry disgruntled armed Americans risking losing everything, getting kicked out of their own homes? That's a recipe for full blown armed rebellion. On top of that, hoards of pissed off illegals who came here for some better life then getting ass screwed by the same corrupted system they trusted? It would be chaos. We would need to either adopt to the next global reserve currency (possibly joining BRICS), or start another currency hopefully backed by something of value that Americans could trust (oil, coal, silver, gold, and/or some other physical commodity used in industrial capacity). We won't have enough energy security to go to digital currency, let alone waste life-essential energy from electric cars off the dying bankrupted power grid lol. Lifestyles would change drastically, think about going back to the old days having to keep food cooled using ice boxes. Energy would be rationed for some time after an economic collapse (even if all the chaos was mitigated properly). Americans would, hopefully, learn we cannot just create endless debt to solve every problem and in fact it ends up creating more problems later on. Hopefully the binding resolution would be to go back to limited government and sound monetary policy like they told us to do in the US Constitution, and that would including abolishing the income tax which was considered unconstitutional.