Reader 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:58 Id: 2a14d2 No.22261 del
As Israel keeps up the killing of innocents, this is going to only fuel more hate against them. Clearly Israel is committing genocide.

My question is why is a two state solution so hard to be agreed upon between Palestine and Israel? Why can neither side ever get along? I say the only solution is to either disarm BOTH Israel and Hamas governments, or to make sure both sides have sufficient weapons to kill one another off in a fair fight (and if the latter, supply them with all those weapons and step the hell back and watch the firework displays from both sides). Note that I've heard every argument from each side, it seems to me these people just cannot seem to live in harmony therefore the world should deal with this whole situation in a much more extreme measure for mutual peace or mutual destruction of these people. That's my two cents.