Reader 02/29/2024 (Thu) 00:33 Id: 61dc76 No.22264 del
The signatories of the Haavara Agreement were the Reich Ministry of Economics, the Zionistiche Vereinigung für Deutschland (Zionist Federation of Germany) and the Anglo-Palestine Bank then under the directive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The lie that Hitler was a Zionist originates with Lenny Brenner, a Marxist jew who in 1983 first made the claim in his book 'Zionism in the Age of Dictators'. The claim was echoed by another Marxist named Ken Livingstone and parroted by (((TRS))) in a silly attempt to turn National Socialists into Zionists or at least turn against Hitler. These lies were backed by researcher (((Dr. Beno Cohen))). Jews lie as easily and reflexively as the rest of us breathe. Hitler disagreed with the Haavara agreement and never signed. He was not a Zionist.

(1) Zionism defined:
(2) Origin of Claim:

>did not believe the jewish homeland was Israel
>did not believe the jewish people had any rightful claim to the Palestinian land they call "Israel"
>did not want to send the jews to Israel/Palestine after realizing jews want to be sent to Palestine so they could create the State of Israel
>DID support sending the jews to Madagascar, controlled by the SS, and with limited resources (where jews could not have a military)