Reader 03/03/2024 (Sun) 22:10 Id: 7b0724 No.22299 del
>peace with the nazis
>That's what the Haavara agreement was.
>Hitler didn't support

The hard truth is war doesn't benefit everyone, there are winners and there are losers. The winners get to rewrite history and most often do, and the losers suffer the worst of the collateral damage. That's why peace agreements should be considered and why war should always be THE LAST OPTION. Whenever there is a chance for diplomacy it should be considered first and foremost lest you desire the risks that come with war. Hitler took that risk unfortunately.

The hard truth is war doesn't benefit everyone, there are winners and there are losers. The winners get to rewrite history and most often do, and the losers suffer the worst of the collateral damage. That's why peace agreements should be considered and why war should always be THE LAST OPTION. Whenever there is a chance for diplomacy it should be considered first and foremost lest you desire the risks that come with war. Hitler took that risk unfortunately.