Biden Regime Preparing for Massive Surge of Haitian Niggers Reader 03/13/2024 (Wed) 05:54 Id: 0f5dfa No.22336 del
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Due to the ongoing chaos in Haiti, the Biden regime is anticipating the arrival of many Haitian savages flooding into America. In other words, we should expect to see lots of violent cannibal niggers trying to reach the United States by land and sea. Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned. (See >>22334 different OP than me) This effectively leaves the Barbeque guy in charge of the country.

Here is video of a Haitian cannibal nigger boiling human body parts.

That’s some real vibrancy and enrichment for sure.

I personally believe that a massive surge in black cannibal niggers coming to the US represents a grave threat to national security. Not quite as grave as the threat of an American citizen carrying a large unauthorized tube of toothpaste through a TSA security checkpoint, but it is certainly right up there.