Reader 05/26/2024 (Sun) 00:46 Id: fe4740 No.22565 del
(396.57 KB 701x604 Ww2truthhitler2.jpg)
(174.76 KB 902x891 Reich workers.jpg)
(75.50 KB 838x348 Churchill.jpg)
When your internet is gone.
When your food is no longer affordable.
When a wheelbarrow of money can't buy a loaf of bread.
When hyperinflation hits again.

As it did in the Great Depression, I want everyone who visits this board to remember the one country that once turned extreme economic turmoil and mass starvations around for 12 entire years while three empires compromised by jews got pissed off and decided to fuck up a nation smaller than Texas.

Jews won't survive it either. When the parasite kills the host, it must die too.