After Constant Neo-con Threats, Russia To Massively Expand Their Military Reader 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:28 Id: a19eb0 No.22941 del
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After Constant Neo-con Threats, Russia To Massively Expand Their Military

In a shocking and completely unexpected move, Russian President Vladimir Putin just signed a Decree increasing the size of the Russian army to 2.38 million men.

Earlier, reports from Russia announced there would be an increase by 150,000 men, to bring the Russian armed forces to 1.5 Million:

Well, now he's gone and increased the army to 2.38 million!

This is a staggering change in the size of Russia's standing army.

How big a staggering change? Take a look at the other major armies of the world: China 2,000,000 ; India 1,450,000 ; US 1,390,000 ; North Korea 1,200,000 ; (Current) Russia 850,000

With the stroke of his pen, Vladimir Putin just ordered the creation of what may become the largest army on Earth. You can all thank the Deep State Neo-cons for provoking this by, routinely, poking the bear.

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