John Kerry’s Daughter Wants To Execute Americans Who Practice Free Speech Reader 10/02/2024 (Wed) 00:22 Id: 70a5c2 No.22968 del
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John Kerry’s Daughter Wants To Execute Americans Who Practice Free Speech

John Kerry made headlines this week by stating that the First Amendment is a “major obstacle” for globalist despotic oligarchs aiming to transform America – and the world – into a totalitarian society where only one official narrative is allowed.

Under Kerry’s globalist vision, anyone who dared to challenge their despotic agenda would be labeled a "threat to society" and imprisoned.

As if that wasn’t disturbing, and completely Un-American enough, John Kerry’s daughter’s position is even more extreme than that of her authoritarian father.

According to failed presidential candidate John Kerry, everyday citizens shouldn’t have the right to decide what they read on social media, let alone express their own opinions.

In Kerry’s vision of the near future, citizens will be force fed a diet of controlled information disseminated by globalist institutions and barred from posting online unless they are using digital ID.

Of-course this would completely break the current internet, as well gut social media companies' main source of revenue, causing a wave of people around the world to abandon the online world.

Kerry is reading the same globalist script previously perfected by WEF Young Global Leaders Justin Trudeau and Jacinta Ardern, who is now employed full time by the WEF after the people of New Zealand threw her out of office for spreading globalist authoritarian propaganda like this.

Justin Trudeau is just as shameless, working to transform the once proud nation of Canada into a globalist propaganda machine, where only a single, state-approved source of news is allowed — much like Fidel Castro’s communist Cuba.

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