12/27/2024 (Fri) 02:36
Id: 95b8b2
>>23299They've had A LOT of inflation throughout the years. It's pretty bad.
>That said, I am mostly a rube and uninformed about their history beyond the falklands war where some cheesefaced brits tried to hold onto some island colony. It's an interesting place to say the least. Messi's from there. Lots of Germans and Italians moved there. Especially during and after WWII. I met like 2 Argies in University as transfer students that looked really German too so I was kinda confused to where they were until I knew them.
I wish we had Argies who'd know about this board. They'd probably know a lot more than I do and could contribute more.
>pic related, we are all in this together, regardless of what language our mothers taught us.In one way or another. Definitely.