Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:38 No.19729 del
The other guy kept ruining the thread. When you come across a thread you can only see the first post and the last 3.

I want the last 3 to atleast have something about C programming in the 3 of D. Which he was intentionally masking. He's done it before on /g/ and /pol/: always doing the same shit to every programming thread I post to try to derail it into personal bickering and away from the opensource project.

Thus I had to continually, each time he ruined the thread, post the one about which files have the relevant code; and also a thank you to the actual russian who posted.

I can tell the difference.
It's my natural right to communicate with other C programmers using anyone's infrastructure weather they like it or not. No matter how many times Zoomer fucks disagree.