Endwall 07/07/2016 (Thu) 03:23:02 No.148 del
endwall.sh is 947 lines of code (without the header)

There are some touch up things to do with endwall.sh, but I'll work on this sporadically. I have some non computer related stuff to deal with for the next month or so. Any comments or suggestions about the scripts place them below.

Also gitweb disapeared. I'm looking for a new .onion git hub repository for Endware. If anyone knows of another simillar repository please post the link below, and I'll try to set it up.

The next thing for me to do is to start working on OpenBSD and PF, I have some books to read so that will take a while (no ETA). If I work on it on weekends I should have something to show by December.

Any requests,complaints, comments, or suggestions for development products for Endware, place below. Thanks again.