secret badusb attack Anonymous 08/17/2022 (Wed) 05:09 No.1801 del
05/22/2022 (Sun) 21:37:24 No. 1776
When my computer is not connected to the internet, even though I formatted, changed the bios software and changed the hard disk firmware, the program opens by itself and the mouse cursor moves by itself. When I examine with the Wireshark program, an interrupt signal comes from the usb ports even though the device is not plugged into the usb ports. In this case, I am complaining. Logs are attached.
no programs are open. the signal is coming from usb ports not programs. Signal incoming ports are undefined and empty. An interrupt signal is coming, not a connect signal.
Before this event happened, when I checked the usb ports via wireshark, the interrupt signal was not coming.
It's not a simple badusb pressing keyboard keys.
It is a very sophisticated badusb attack that installs itself on a different linux pci module via the kernel.
badusb wireshark logs