Endwall 07/11/2017 (Tue) 07:13:52 No. 975 del
Post a news article about this file, or post this over in my new board H4X0R, with a 1 sentence description.


For reference this is the user manual of a CIA exploit tool that seems to use ssh to leave a persistent server on a victim computer. I had no idea what this wa about before I downloaded it: safeload, safemode, pdfclean, endjail --no-net, and then read the first few pages with mupdf. I will be deleting the above post in 3 days feel free to repost this in >>>/h4x0r/ , under LeAkZ. It's a stolen document, that is probably classified, I think it's noteworthy, but I don't want trouble over here. Lets keep this thread just for news articles, security videos, cve reports, and commentary about those things.

I'll deal with the trouble over in >>>/h4x0r/. I'm probably already on a watch list anyways.

Edited last time by Endwall on 07/12/2017 (Wed) 05:07:58.