Tor Hidden Service Mail Server Endwall 08/08/2017 (Tue) 03:16:04 No.992 del
############### BEGINNING OF GUIDE ##########################

In this thread I document and revise how to set up a tor hidden service email server, you may substitute the servers that you are most comfortable with.

STEP 0) Collect the relevent files from The Endware Hidden Service
Set up a tor mail server using postfix or OpenSMTPd, with dovecot for imap or pop.

You may contact me anonymously at endwall@zvdcyrpole74oo24gqkx2wh6rmrthrhexzik5dm6xf7ewtiekxmvqwqd.onion
Use to send mail to this account.

Encrypt with pgp and send messages and files by email on a tor hidden mail service on port 25.

Everyone should do this. Then just share your hidden service address and handle.


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Edited last time by Endwall on 03/09/2019 (Sat) 06:20:10.