How to scan a book?... continued
04/29/2017 (Sat) 11:09:59
Scanning as open book / landscape mode doesn't make it easy to read on tablets and other mobile devices. How many people read a whole book sitting at a PC?
Basic suggestions - getting it (broadly) right involves time and effort:
1. scan routinely at 300dpi, anything less for text than that or absolute minimum of 200dpi (and then only rarely) will make OCR layer fail or be unreliable.
2. scan text in grayscale (or for smaller output file AND if the original book is well printed, in black and white). Reserve color for color originals like covers, illustrations and graphics.
3. if the original book has thin pages that show the text on the reverse side when scanned, insert a black piece of card behind/under the page being scanned. Scanning takes longer but this will render the result far superior.
4. get an edge scanner, often cheaply available on ebay etc, so you can scan near the center binding margin without missing text or damaging the book.
5. only use more than 300dpi if the text is very small and in no event use more than 600dpi as it can confuse OCR.
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