Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 23:39:08 Id: de7434 No.73641 del
I've met such replies before on occasion, it troubles me not. If one wishes to live in stagnation without understanding he is allowing himself to be a mere puppet I usually lack sympathy. It is their own future they forfeit. Even if it is just a handful of men who take heed then it is more than I achieved before I broached each topic.

Now for a topic of great importance; Understanding the Battle.

Often, in my posts I speak of solidarity between those with the wisdom to see how dire our situation is. The parasite is cunning in it's ways, engineering events at an accelerated rate, it's push for degeneration and subjugation ever increasing. An observant man may note however, the poison of degeneracy, nihilism and hedonism seem to repeat throughout European history. Men of bravery and valour find themselves sublimated by the weak and the duplicitous for men grow old and when they do their wisdom is not always heeded by the inheritors for sometimes an outsider comes offering shiny baubles in the stead of wisdom and dignity. I could cite the now overly remarked upon Rome as an example of this (and a fine example it is) or one the countless stories of fallen empires however I will not belabor the point; the system as it stands now cannot be changed, only slowed. It has grown fat and cumbersome, the founding principals of all our nations forgotten. Not merely that but it has been corrupted to the point of being inimically hostile to it's own founding populations, each "democratic" systems supposed positives morphed into a vile mockery of it's previous form. Thusly the battle we face isn't just for the immediate but for the after as well.

I've often heard an accelerationist say "yeah I agree so let's crash it" but such thinking is often lacking nuance. Let us say for instance, using a common piece of "fear porn", an EMP is discharged that immediately disables all electronics in a country. Now, despite the modern semetic concept of "it'll be chaos, rapes, murders, warlords, goyim it'll be horrible!" I would posit it would be more confusion for our people specifically. Undoubtedly the "diverse" population would, as is seen not merely in crime statistics within our own countries but within the nations they come from, rather rabid. But we sons of Europe? It would be confusion. With the suppression of community and family the lack of unity would illicit not a short sighted goal of "grab all you can grab, fuck dat bitch and load the gat" (or machete if within Europe) but rather questioning of what to do. It would be that confusion in the fog of ethnic chaos that would cause incredibly severe losses to our populations. It would grant the parasite it's goal with only some pockets of our people surviving if at all if things accelerated in such a manner. The battle for today is not merely to unite under a single goal of European survival but to forge the Men needed to do just that, and such a forging takes time. Time we already do not have. This battle, this war, it cannot end until one group or the other is expelled from the lands, ideally peacefully but the parasites machinations of inciting hate against Europeans is lowering that margin considerably.