Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 08:42:53 Id: 8c3244 No.76633 del
Pic related shows all the suspicious pedo-tier stuff in the "eastern" desert.

Green frogs are old occult transformation symbolism. They show up in all the Zeldas.

>Bomber's Secret Society of Justice

The gilded sword symbolizes an iron coming up into gold. It's training you to serve an aristocracy.

Once the Kokiri Sword has been reforged into the Razor Sword by the Mountain Smithy, it is able to be further upgraded into the Gilded Sword.[2] To do so, Link must obtain some Gold Dust by winning the Goron Race and have at least twenty-four hours left in the current three-day cycle.[3] When the young hero gives Zubora a Bottle of Gold Dust, Gabora will reforge the Razor Sword into the Gilded Sword for free, taking a full day to complete.


>And again, if from these there is born a son with unexpected gold or silver in his composition they shall honor such and bid them go up higher, some to the office of guardian, some to the assistanceship, alleging that there is an oracle that the city shall then be overthrown when the man of iron or brass is its guardian.[2]

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