Anonymous 12/24/2019 (Tue) 05:16:03 Id: 100cbf No.77904 del
It is quite coherent, never fret about how you present yourself in a place such as this. Something written from the soul holds just as much weight as something written by the hand of the greatest writer so no need to be concerned.

It is a struggle to see how far we have fallen as you say, it's odd you mention such a thing as I was watching some old footage I found on an old USB while I had some peace the other day. It was me and some old school friends, my guess was late 90's as it was converted poorly. Oh, of course the disease of semetic corruption had already seeped into my city far before then but in the footage, even in the heart of that foul place, my little group were still innocent. It was a football game, nary a token negroid or Middle Easterner in sight. For a moment I was happy in remembering a simpler time where all that concerned me was how much pocket money I would get for some sweets and whose house we were going to play some video games at. Then I realised something. Six out of the twelve of them were dead. Two to drugs. Two to suicide. One to health complications due to medical malpractice by a foreign doctor. One murdered in a street robbery. The rest bar me? Either ran from the pit we grew up in or slowly festering away within it still, obese and ignorant or gaunt and shiftless in short order. Each soul to the last broken and shattered in some way or another. This is the story of so many of our cities and areas now although not nearly to the same scale Germany has suffered.

Germany, a nation which dared to resist the semetic grasp paid a cost unimaginable to any of us. It dared to dream, dared to be free and it's own brothers poisoned by the lies of the most vile and insidious of serpents turned on it and after their blades were plunged into it's heart this is what is left for both the "vanquished" and the "victors". It's only crime being that of a future for it's people and by extension that of offering a chance at a future for the European people as a whole with it's demonstration that semetic commerce and corruption need not hold power over all people. That a nation can be forged for the good of the people as a whole. This is why the Germanic peoples after such a "rebellion" had to be crushed for they refused to be slaves, to be servants to a beast so foul that it dare not show it's true face lest it be hunted to the last. Those who would resist must be made desolate for otherwise they pose a threat. Little did the parasite understand the European peoples are not quite so easily conquered in it's heartlands or colonies. Yes, Germanic women, much like a great many Western women have become damaged, it is the very purpose of the semite to do that to them for is there any finer exemplar of beauty and grace than the traditional European woman? The semite demands they be turned into a simulacrum of their own foul hags for a darkened soul must taint all things beautiful. It is their envy that makes them such pitiful creatures. It is their arrogance that believing such a thing is permanent that is their weakness.

You are quite correct in understanding this struggle is what will mark us as Men rather than men and the components that construct such a being. It is the quelled European spirit we must awaken, the one that kept the darkness at bay, that demanded all sons of Europa stand against the shadows that befall them. We are many nations, many wayward sons flung far across this world but we are one people, one unbreakable force that stands against the tide of seeping despair, it is this that marks us as the men who will lay the foundation of a greater future for only Men of Action can, for only Men with faith in themselves and each other can stand against the encroaching tide. I am gladdened to know within the words shared here you find strength and a reminder in what we must all become. We will make it together. As friends. As brothers. We will never tire nor slacken. Raise a glass Christmas Day to this ideal, I certainly will be.