Why Germans were the true heroes in WW2 Anonymous 02/23/2020 (Sun) 04:43 Id: 26d08a No.78664 del
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When Hitler was elected, almost immediately prosperity and peace popped up. Why was this? The Germans kicked out the Rothschilds, the jewish bankers that controlled Germany. The German people were starving, dying, dehydrating, and they just laughed and shook it off as nothing. When Hitler came to power, almost everyone loved him. He issued out new debt-free money, and the German economy instantly began to recover. Hundreds of thousands were given grand public works jobs, and they started to build mighty infrastructure with the new money. The German society began to value the work of physical labor and held it in high esteem. World class stadiums and transport systems were created. German engineers became world class and Germany began to lead in science and health. Germans thanked Hitler for freeing them from the debt slavery of the Rothschilds. Hundreds of thousands of new modern houses were created throughout Germany. The Germans became wealthy because they dont have to pay interest to a privately run central bank. The new economic systems allows the German worker to reap what they sow. German Workers experienced the best working conditions in Europe and were given government backed holidays. Meanwhile, the rest of Europe suffered from the debt slavery of the Rothschilds. In 1936, Hitlers approval ratings hit 99%. In 1938, 99.73% of Austrians vote to join Germany. After the vote, Hitler kicks the Rothschilds out of Austria too. Their economy instantly recovers. The Germans loved Hitler because he put them first and stood up to the bankers. The Rothschilds hated Hitler because Germany was out of the grasp of their debt slavery. There was only one option left for the Rothschilds to stop the new economic system. War.