Anonymous 03/14/2020 (Sat) 03:33:24 Id: 737225 No.78965 del
just an example, dr. Saul a nutritionist says that he cured himself of pneumonia in about 4 days, with dramatic improvement after ... I think it was about 12 hours ... by taking around 100 g of vitamin C a day orally

100 g ... an amount that large should be your goal when sick, its not easy to do and most probably won't go to the effort, dr. Saul managed to do so by taking it in many small doses, every hour, starting with 2 g every 6 minutes until he reached his tolerance level and then backing off the dose amount

I haven't experienced anything that dramatic but I have noticed a few times when I've been sick that I felt a lot better taking large amounts of vitamin C orally, it greatly reduced the symptoms