Anonymous 06/05/2020 (Fri) 14:24:46 Id: b0151e No.80583 del
(909.52 KB 1920x931 6-5-2020 USA.jpg)
(841.73 KB 1920x927 6-5-2020 Italy.jpg)
(826.32 KB 1920x932 6-5-2020 Germany.jpg)
>"Only Italy matters in the entire world let old people die and everyone else with slight conditions"
>"Fuck elderly people"
>"Hypoglycemia? Fuck you, die"
>"Asthma? Better believe you deserve to die"
>"It's ok to go out there, catch Covid-19 and retain lung scarring, blood clots and brain inflammation encephalitis"
>"herf derf I'm fucking retarded"