Anonymous 07/30/2020 (Thu) 03:51:57 Id: ee9aa1 No.81532 del
I'm going to be polite, because you've obviously had lots of trouble with shills and idiots.

Now you, yourself said
>I don’t know if there will be online congregations like there used to be, either it won’t be allowed or anons are realising it’s time to take a different approach. Everyone who is seeking the truth has found/will find their way eventually.
Anyways, expect shills, as it shows there is something of value here.
and literally all I am after is the truth.

>It's not just "considered" fantasy. The jewish holocaust is a fantasy. I've seen much of the "paper evidence" and it's usually hand drawn depictions plus lying jews about surviving nails driven into their heads or masturbation to death machines.
Keep in mind, I say this in the utmost politeness: I don't care what you think, because I don't know you well at all. If I just listened to whoever ran whatever platform I was on, and said, "Oh, ok. I believe you," I would have never gotten to the (literal!) ass-end of the internet in search of sources. I'm sympathetic to your point of view, but I need to do the research myself. And to do research, I need sources.

Is interesting, but not as focused as I would like. I am a professional researcher. Professional researchers do things professionally. This requires deep dives into sources as neutral as possible, which is why I asked for internal memos from WWII-era Germany ostensibly relating to the extermination of the Jews. I haven't seen it, I don't know if it exists, I've heard it hasn't, I figured this place, with its iron-clad moderation and dedication to, in your own words, "truth," that I could get something as simple as primary sources.

>There are plenty of lying kike "sources", especially on Hasbarat Wikipedia.
Well you know what's better than a trinary source of suspicious nature? A secondary source that can be destroyed by primary sources. Or faked primary sources that can be shown to be fraudulent.

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