Anonymous 09/04/2020 (Fri) 16:10:20 Id: 4a1e99 No.82044 del
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Here's that JIDF tactics post I was talking about earlier. I was on 4chan for too long. What's described here is exactly what my experience as one of many targets of these kikes was. You think when it begins, you have some allies in the thread. Then they gradually turn on you by picking small details to disagree with. One moment they're on your side, the next they're shitposting hard. It was a common elaborate LARP in order to troll Aryans, and it wasn't just 4chan. 8chan had the same tactics, only more refined. Kikes ran both.
>I honestly think that the cover to my book is perfect and even better than the one you posted.
I must agree. You should never change the cover. Though if you scroll up on that link as I have, there's some nice imagery.