Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 03:04:42 Id: 3a9e5c No.82807 del
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New Vegas was pretty good. I tried it after Fallout 4, which even with it's shitty storyline and frequent crashes due to bad optimization is decent scenery. There was some anon who came here starting the usual "lets get those guys in trouble" hair-brained thread declaring we should "nuke the world and reset" and posted screens of characters in a vault with the Hakenkreuz. Might've been a Fed trying to get someone to jewgle how to make bombs, but the screens did peak my interest in the game. I wasn't into vidya until the temporary lockdown.

Understand, we're generally paranoid here after the Oslo shooter blame attempt and numerous Fed "buy guns! buy explosives! buy drugs!" @Protonmail entrapment threads.

I'm not sure what /rus/ likes or doesn't like. I don't tend to visit other boards besides /news/. Plus Russia has that Putin's "holocaust denial" bullshit law just like all over Europe. I could get some Russians in deep shit if I went there.