Anonymous 12/10/2020 (Thu) 04:58:15 Id: a4d6f0 No.83208 del
(406.11 KB 860x800 CHRP.png)
(20.87 KB 255x214 fat fuck.jpg)
(598.49 KB 879x1612 CHRP for kikes.png)
(16.17 KB 466x138 Jason cuck Kenney.png)
As you probably haven't looked into it, Jason Kenney is a piece of shit. It was Kenney, the Premier of Alberta, who set the Community Historical Recognition Program in motion. Now I realize when you compare Canada to U.S. cucking, the U.S. is on a whole other level. 13.5 million for Canadian kikes to share with other non-Aryan ethnicities is of course much less than 38 billion of taxpayer money entirely to Israel. Kenney joyously announced he was part of defunding KAIROS for boycotting Israel to "take a stand against anti-semitism". In short, fuck Jason Kenney the Zionist cuck. Never trust jews. Never trust traitors.