01/12/2021 (Tue) 13:03:21
Id: 9fe807
>>83482Yeah, the NSDAP offered loans with a quarter off for each child a German family had and Goebbels was consistently talking of the value of having children in close quarters. The only time Hitler referenced negros (that was the term back then, even blacks called each other that) was about jews trying to push race mixing in Mein Kampf. The KKK was founded by a jew and Dan Burros of Frank Cohen's "American Nazi Party" was a KKK grand dragon who went back after a falling out with George Lincoln Rockwell for Burros being a jew (that is before suicide). The man who shot and killed GLR was Dan's Commie buddy John Patler.
I've had arguments with absolute fucking idiots who claimed "many negros were killed" in German work camps. Lies. There has not been a single picture of a negro in an Arbeit Macht Frei camp. The negro race wasn't singled out in Germany nor discriminated against like in North America. Jesse Owens the Olympic runner received a warm welcome by Germans for winning the Berlin Summer Olympics of 1936 yet all you'll see on mainstream jewish sources is false propaganda about that situation. Meanwhile, Owens was spat on back in America and to this day jews don't face scrutiny for their majority role in the Trans Atlantic slave trade, despite the fact they owned the ships, the ports and docks and sold slaves in newspapers.
The Arabischer and Afrikakorps fought for Germany. Germans were incentivized not to mix races and the Gestapo kept the peace. That is how to deal with blacks. The main reason they're a problem in the modern world is pandering to criminals, shining the spotlight on cops killing criminal blacks when innocent men descended from Europeans murdered by cops never make headlines. Then there's jewish record producers causing a mass of retards to make fake thug culture a reality and the mainstream promotion of race mixing. I don't focus on blacks. The enemy is jews. However, should a version of NSDAP ever rise to power again, it would be best to promote the hell out of the thorn in kikes' sides, the Black Hebrew movement. Force all jews to leave to Israel, then send waves of immigrants to fuck their shit up. Kikes did it to Europeans. It's what jews deserve.
As for Lucas Simms, reporting Mister Burke to him then not interfering when Burke plugs him with a silenced 10mm was the best option imo.