Anonymous 05/28/2021 (Fri) 08:13:45 Id: 0c194c No.84769 del
>Has anyone here quit porn completely?
1 year now for me. The reason I quit is because I realized how bat the addiction was for me, and how it completely destroyed my brain and my discipline.
I don't think everyone needs to do it, I think everyone should do their homework and assess their own particular situation.

I watched many of Juden Peterstein's videos about addiction, and didn't even suspect that I would be concerned because I had been fapping to hentai/smut stories (the reason is because porn is too degenerate and doesn't have any vanilla/"""pure""" stuff) once or twice a week at most.
Problems arose when I had to go out into the scary world; fapping became a way for me to relieve anxiety. And since I'm naturally anxious, I HAVE to be trained to deal with anxiety blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back, and fapping got in the way of that. So in my personnal case, it's a poison. I only noticed how much I was hooked when I actually tried to stop, I failed 2 or 3 times before making it past 2 months. Now I hoard the days I spent without fapping like a treasure, and I now it could be stoled by my own weakness in a matter of minutes. Fuck that.

If it's not an issue for you, you can keep fapping AS A TEMPORARY SOLUTION TO FINDING A WIFE, but yeah quit porn ASAP. This crap rots your brain and heart.