Anonymous 05/28/2021 (Fri) 09:09:29 Id: f5d4aa No.84771 del
(111.31 KB 329x533 329px-Hitler_nervous.png)
Is an illusion, anon. Different people have come here and said they practice degenerate means because they have anxiety too many times. Fapping isn't going to curb anxiety any more than those other degenerate means. Convincing yourself anxiety is bullshit is the only way. I thought I had 'social anxiety' growing up. Now I'm damn close to 40 and there is nobody I'm afraid to talk to about anything, though about the JQ I'll call kikes Hebrews to avoid triggering the cognitive dissonant freaking out of brainwashed normies. People will try to intimidate, lie, cheat, manipulate. Never fall for it. Never back down. Always stand for the truth and it is they who will become nervous.