06/21/2021 (Mon) 23:34:15
Id: 057938
>>84873>that assmad response>Implying none of us remember how bad this board was when it was based on "free speech"lol
Now I'm 99% sure I know who that niggerfaggot is. His name, his face, his modus operandi for whenever he starts posting shit. Even where the faggot lives at this point.
>>84867 And now he went and made a /news/ thread trying to bring up q again, which is a movement completely dead at this point
>>>/news/17675 . Said movement was also made by jimmy the walking shit, which he conveniently forgot to bring up means that I was right.
>>84866 He's still sending his goons around here
OP never responded
which was expected so I'm all for getting that shitty /news/ thread deleted and banning the OP. Because why give lil jimmy and his half breed gook son any breathing room around here?