How to survive (((tech))) Anonymous 06/26/2021 (Sat) 11:11 Id: 3a6568 No.84904 del
Imagine a degenerate wasting 4 hours a day watching youtube, what a waste, a controlled creature of instinct and hedonism. I was this creature years ago and I come to tell you it wasn't nice.
If you browse image boards for half an hour a day, don't own a smartphone, and understand the degeneracy of modern entertainment, this guide may have a little good information, but it won't change your life.


>What do I do?
* Stop using a smart-phone, this is critical.
* Stop using social media, or minimize their use.
* Avoid FAGMANS: Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Samsung.
* Only use secure, encrypted, foss, chat apps for communication. Email is not secure.
* Get rid of smart-watches, and smart-tvs, etcetera. If it has an internet connection, it is evil.
* Get rid of supermarket discount cards and membership cards of any kind.
* Don't get a genetic test.
* Use uBlock origin to mitigate tracking.

>What is the problem?
* You are being data-mined.

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