Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 14:34:48 Id: ccad1c No.85131 del
Here's the medical breakdown of the B.1.617.2 Delta: Just as all other variants, it has been transmitted through immigration (this time from India). Israel has been hit the hardest: This guarantees dual citizen jews are transmitting the Delta variant throughout the US and Europe. The jewish vaccines, big surprise, are ineffective because it spreads through those who have been vaccinated. What you should keep in mind, and what the mainstream media is not telling you, is viruses tend to lose their potency when they mutate to become more transmissible. That is what's happening with the Delta variant. Ignore the fear mongering. From what I know already, Biden's announcement to "get more vaccinated" and that it "affects the unvaccinated" are both lies. It shouldn't come as a surprise, given governments' previous shilling of completely ineffective masks that have less filtering capacity than your own lungs with the outdated propaganda of the Spanish Flu of 1918. I can explain that aspect in detail again if anyone here missed the information.