08/11/2021 (Wed) 21:15:13
Id: 49e0ed
>The jewish vaccines, big surprise, are ineffective because it spreads through those who have been vaccinated.Didn't (((they))) do something similar in Germany? Example: The Lubeck experiment, which involved the BCG vaccine and the murder of 73 German children was the name of what occurred I believe. It happened in Germany before NSDAP was elected. Which is actually why they and Hitler won.
Well there were a lot of reasons, but this was the major one. I got reminded of that when I saw this thread for some reason
It's in the QTDDTOT right now,
>>80148 That was the real reason the Nuremberg laws got established in Germany, and why (((those people))) were banned from civil service jobs. Not because "people were jealous of them". Of what? Incompetence, malpractice and breaking the Hippocratic oath? Doubt it