08/26/2021 (Thu) 05:17:02
Id: 20967e
Another denied appeal. Nothing to his come-back but a weak squeak after he said "nigger crackers" and posted thug-life Piccolo. Imagine being black saying, "Yes Massa" when the very people who enslaved your ancestors want you to believe thug life (jewish record producers have pushed for decades) is your culture. Not any actual culture from his country of origin. No. Just copying the shit he sees on TV. Even though this fool brought up Africa, he has zero connection to it. This is the typical dumb, uneducated negro who follows along when jews want him to hate the very Aryans who have historically fought against and exiled his slave masters. Traitors obedient to jews, of all races, are scum but this is an entirely different level of pathetic. Everyone's laughing at them. When they make a spectacle of themselves in public. When they kill each other at a higher rate than any other race has ever done because of "thug life". When they followed BLM ran by Marxist mulattos trained by jewish fathers, caused riots, smashed windows, stole and continued murdering their race to "defund the police", all they did was cater to the U.S. government's desire to apply more force. They couldn't even think of the repercussions as their people were led around like sheep. The black golem are clowns for everyone else's amusement and the joke is getting fucking old.