11/03/2021 (Wed) 12:25:47
Id: dfd1e7
>>85889>>85889You are a very angry person. Just do DMT, bro. The deep web is available. I'm still NatSoc and I have never met the elves. I am a DMT entity.
I understand that from your perspective, you might take me as a Jewish shill because I am not keeping in line of end/Pol/'s unspoken (and even spoken to some degree, I suppose) guidelines. Have faith, however, that some people here astray from your worldy views, which are specific I might add (since I have been here since 2015 and believe I know who you are) are still attempting to create a better world through National Socialism. I, at first, wanted to go through politics like the goddamn cliché I was; but I realised I have further influence culturally because that is the field I am directly tied to (by pure chance, I might add). You will never know who I am but will probably hear my name. I am very deeply connected in the music world, am still passionately tied to my European roots, and I have not forgotten the obstacles the Jewtopia are still asserting against me. Know I hold malice because of the pseudo-rectification humanity suffers due to their indoctrination, and I have personally and professionally suffered from it - not from what I have said, but what I have done to those who thought they could manipulate a scenario (they have all failed greatly, though, I'll admit, make fantastic examples of pests). I know I have digressed, but basically, BO, if this is who I am talking to, realise we are not enemies, and we both must endure this dystopia. I am trying and I will continue to try, not for you, not for Hitler, not for humanity, but for myself; because as a human, being National Socialist benefits me individually, like it would all individuals.
Psychedelics aren't about the visuals by the way. If you're interested...
LSD opens a cortex in your mind which makes you take in more external information. This is why MKUltra worked.
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