11/03/2021 (Wed) 22:44:30
Id: dfd1e7
>>85893Majority of the folk engaged with psychedelic culture are simpletons, therefore a grandiose realisation to them is something a superior human would consider common sense. For example, "everyone has their own perspective".
>What if you could ask for the solution to immortalityPhysical existence, or "being alive" is a physical augmentation of preceding essence. To put it simply, that which has been created (universally speaking) physically manifests and develops a soul until the body expires. There is no death when understanding our alive bodies as a shell for internal development. After expiry, the soul becomes the spirit - an archetype is created as well; a legend - and eventually, when the spirit is capable again, endures physical reality for the sake of growth.
For sake of visualisation, understand it like this;
1D - Point of creation
2D - Creation
3D - Manifestation of creation
4D - Individual point of creation
5D - Manifestation of individual point of creation
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