11/04/2021 (Thu) 02:13:02
Id: 2c08ea
>>85896Seems a lot like reincarnation, from life to death to the spirit world and back to life. I don't have an objection to the concept. Can't say it's bunk if I have no recollection of life before birth. Science fiction of the 50s
No, I'm not that old showed people back then believed human kind would evolve into mental and physical perfection. Yeah, but they also thought everyone would have flying cars, robot maids and floating condos. This board is a good place to escape the jew and not permit him to have a say in anything, but it's honestly backwoods and has few frequent visitors. It's a step, but there's a wall preventing going forward. That wall I speak of is "white flight". It is the result of clearing minds from jewish brainwashing in person.
People flee, seeking greener pastures, thinking they can find somewhere away from the degenerate corruption of culture and values. Any one of us could create books of truth and be censored by nation-infiltrated jews as whatsoever offends them triggers their ADL, SPLC and other kike groups of sinister influence. We could try to get into politics and realize as the rest that you don't rise unless endorsed and subservient to AIPAC plus other wealthy Israel lobbies. Music is corrupted. Art is corrupted. The jew filth is mainstream. No, I'd rather be 50 feet tall and crush international jewry under my heel. Take that as a metaphor if it helps.
If you can break through, do it. I've seen from people speaking about it that it takes more to pass the usual kaleidoscope or novelty visions. Talk to otherworldly beings to discover any method to stop the parasites. Expediting human evolution or contacting something advanced intent on removing kike bastards. Not that I believe in these fast tracks. It's more like imagination, shots in the dark. Sounds like you can get DMT with more ease.