11/04/2021 (Thu) 04:49:38
Id: e1f767
>>85897It is reincarnation. Individuals seeking greener pastures seek comfort, thus distracting their will and essentially burying themselves early - they will never create anything. Superficially speaking, this planet is hell and I would even go as far to say none of it is sacred. I have no faith in humanity due to the fact the lowest common denominator is so easily manipulated. However, I like to think of myself as one who has transcended my flesh. This, to me, is a experimental journey. I do not trust those who wish to be grounded in filth. Essentially, this planet is bacterial. I have no place here. Music and other forms of creativity provide a pure sense of will that free you from your flesh. Superficially, the industries are corrupt but the creations themselves are purer than the idea of purity itself.
To crush Jews is to make a mess of them. I personally find desintegration is healthier because the mess is easier to control and it ensures absolute devastation. I do not think humanity will move forward until Judaism no longer exists.
I have broken through plenty of times. Mainly, it is just indicating for me to improve myself. At first, I was encouraged to dance, then quit weed, alcohol, and understand my fame. Majority of my future public reception is folk raising their phones to film or photograph me. Humans are dull and insipid.