>>85943 The tranny fad has mainstreamed and became accepted. After trends mainstream, they dial down. In order to determine what comes after, all that's required is to know which filth remained in the Weimar Republic before National Socialists came to power out of people feeling disgust for it all. What this modern society yet lacks but will see soon enough. Pedophilia. Bestiality. Commonplace prostitution. Hyperinflation. Mass starvation and suicides. Well, in the United States, over $18 billion was paid to the primary vaccine companies. Americans think SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are free because they're not paying in stores. They already paid through taxes. The U.S. government will be next to bankrupt. The pedophiles are already pushing for their "rights". Kiddy diddlers now call themselves "MAPs" or "Minor Attracted Persons". Kikes have been known to take a hands-on approach with kids, as well as their Cuck in Chief puppet Biden. Don't think for a second this means just North America. The degeneracy practiced in the United States as a starting point tends to bleed into European nations until the new degenerate way has infected everywhere. Mainstream international fucking media ran by kikes which every brainwashed the world over wants to tune into. Note how Netflix tried "Cuties" but when that didn't blow over well, they detracted. As when Hollywood kikes who started their studios in the early 1900s tried different scenarios with a gradual increase throughout decades until perversions were accepted. They'll go for the same slow beating of the drums approach now as before for every other degenerate concept. If hyper-inflation and starvation does not come first, a normalization of child molestors is next.