Anonymous 12/11/2021 (Sat) 00:26:55 Id: 4a93ca No.86065 del
Actual deaths were camp guards as well. Bodies weren't identified, only forced to be buried. What happened was, Allied soldiers destroyed supply lines. Food could not get in. There was mass starvation. In addition, louse were brought back from the Eastern Front. Louse that carried Typhus, which makes a person too sick to eat. Zyklon B was and still is an insecticide. It's not enough to kill thousands, let alone millions of people. Flimsy wooden doors, glass windows and a wide open space from the showers does not keep gas inside. Knowing this, Soviets hastily built chimneys in grass connected to nothing. Kikes shut down so here is the archive:
Read through >>>/polfornormies/ then realize kikes have been saying in newspapers that 6 million jews died since 1845.